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Jakjak that catcat says the photo galleries are mostly just cat photos. She is a fluff butt.

New Feature: RSS Feed

Just a small update... added an RSS feed. And by small update, I actually had to change the way I do the catalog. It will probably be fine as long as I don't go more than a few million articles. You know... more articles than literally any news site. That was one of the justifications for just edit some html, man, after all.

So, anyways, I think this is pretty much feature complete, and from here on out I just need to write and post more stuff.


Probably need to normalize having a "blurb" file for each content item, and if we have a file path instead of hard url we assume we know where it lives, and then check for a well-known file in that source directory and then include that as the description for RSS, the blurb for previews, and it gives us something to include for the featured item.