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Jakjak that catcat says the photo galleries are mostly just cat photos. She is a fluff butt.

Small quality of life update

Made a small quality of life update for the site. Rather than having both a main catalog and section catalogs, I have added a 'feautured' flag to the main catalog and killed off the per-section catalogs. Also, I added a field for alternate content for some future work. The idea is that there should be some standard includes and images that will automatically be used for the featured item for the site and each section so that more stuff is automatic rather than manually edited. I mean, it will still be manually edited, it's just that it will be a part of each content item rather than something that requires Yet Another Update. Ultimately, an item should simply be posted and added to the catalog and Just Work™. While I'm not opposed to having various extra steps versus a fully database-backed site, I am also lazy and forgetful, and this was the idea all along. I deployed before being feature-complete, because there is no such thing as a feature-complete website.