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Jakjak that catcat says the photo galleries are mostly just cat photos. She is a fluff butt.

Auto Content is go

A fluffy grey and white cat sits on top of an old Printronix
printer that's sitting at the threshold of someone's living
room and dining room.
This image is unrelated to the story.

While there were some quirks, I was able to implement the "auto content" magic for posts without much headache. The big quirk is that a given page does not consider its current directory as anything special. The second quirk is that once you enter a wrapper, your context has changed. Fortunately, it does provide both a _PARENT and caller and callers references to the template hierarchy and calling templates, respectively. It's a little bit messier than I would prefer, but it works.

Next up will be the enhanced rss generator that actually includes the blurb.