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Jakjak that catcat says the photo galleries are mostly just cat photos. She is a fluff butt.

Random Thoughts 2/27/2024

An out of focus picture. Is it a knee joint? Maybe it's a cypress tree sticking up out of the water. That would probably make more sense as you can smell the swamp. A leaf falls and lands in your hair.
Looks like someone lost focus.

Happiness is a clean windshield. Seriously.

If you're miserable and perpetually online, perhaps it's time to either not be perpetually online, or at least find a place that doesn't make you miserable. Hit da bricks. Also, most perpetually sad and depressing or weird internet culture comes from the same husband and wife team that I could have sworn they said at one time they were brother and sister, which is weird. Did they pull a White Stripes on us?

Bought some new pens and a new mechanical pencil. Expensive notebooks still unmarked.

Fried chicken at least twice a week.

This post should be under night blogging, but it's happening during the day.

Suggest they do the thing. They drag feet about doing the thing. They finally say they want to do the thing. You do the thing. They make business changes so that the thing is no longer needed. You undo the thing. Such is the nature of this job.

I know I've been ranting and raving about it over on /SITE/, but I really do love the way this site works. Template Toolkit is a surprisingly natural way of composing web pages. You know how all the WCMs rave about "blocks" these days? That's literally the way it works here in Template Toolkit land, and really, pretty much any template system for that matter.

I'm literally sitting here and waiting for something that's spinning at 100% complete to actually complete so I can fire off a different task which will take a couple of hours or more. And it just did the thing, so now I'm done. Yay.