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Jakjak that catcat says the photo galleries are mostly just cat photos. She is a fluff butt.
Updated: 19:41 p.m. (0041 GMT) — 10 October 2024
The THEOS® Corona logo overlaid on a snippet of its GUI which is just a couple of terminal windows and a login screen. One of the windows has a directory listing.
The all important logo and a screenshot

Playing with THEOS® Corona

A few weeks ago I fired off an email I meant to fire off a couple of decades ago. I asked how much it would take to get license for THEOS Corona. It was less than expected, but not that bad considering it included the OS and development tools.

The OS... It's different. An article many years ago best described it as "somewhere between DOS and UNIX", which doesn't even beging to describe it. Its concepts are completely different from either of those.

Did you see the eclipse? Did you take photos? I want to see your photos! Be sure to tag jhavard on whatever platform you're on. It may not be me, but if there is one thing I know about everyone that goes by jhavard it's that we all like the same things.
The sun during totality

Eclipse 2024

Havard didn't show up to work and the sun disappeared from the sky. These two events were related. The most surprising thing is that I took time off work.

a deteriorating building being overgrown

Meridian 2023

There was a bit of serendipity in that I was planning a quick trip to get some use out of the recently-arrived Pentax 645D when a friend from up north asked if I could hit up an estate sale in Meridian.

trees, swamp, you know the drill

Cypress Swamp 2023

Cypress Swamp on the Natchez Trace, near Canton, Miss.

greenery, soft focus

Soft Yard Work

I love proper soft focus lenses, and to some extent, soft focus filters. Emulating the effect digitally rarely achieves the exact same feel. Not to mention, much like the fixed, tangible, and permanency of film, using a soft focus lens or filter is an artistic decision that can't be undone. Once shot, you have forever committed to the look.

Tasting Brisket: LIVE!
Join us today for a live call-in show where Chungo McCorbwald is joined by celebrity chef Zippo Liberdingus. For today only, watch Chungo and Zip talk about the best ways to prepare, enjoy, inspect, and then consume brisket. We will later learn the optimal technique to convince everyone to not come to your house just because they can smell your third brisket on the smoker this week. They can get their own brisket, or stay hungry. (7 p.m. CT)
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